Once upon a time…
I started Being a Grandpa
…and life has never been the same!
I am Grandpa…
…to two beautiful girls, Evie and Maisie. They are two years, eleven months and eleven months old at the start of this journal.
…I say journal
I could have said journey…
…but I dislike that saying for some reason. A journal fits as this is both a diary of sorts and a magazine.
…Who are the characters?
The Old Git…
The Cool Dude…
The Bambino…
I called this a diary…
Hopefully, I will keep it updated with things we have done as a family. I would like to create a cartoon strip of trips out and other noteworthy happenings.
But don’t hold your breath.
…I also said magazine.
It’s a magazine…
I will look at toys and things that might help other grandpas decide what to buy for their beloved grandchildren. OK, it’s not limited to grandpas. Also, there might be a section on tips, but I might need help creating that section.
…This is still a concept.
The Concept…
I wanted to create a website that looked like a comic, using four colours and the text at the top and bottom of each block.